I suppose I should begin my blog by explaining the purpose of adding another string of randomness into the overcrowded blogosphere. Well the title holds the key, it is mainly about crocheting because it is one of those things that I loved since I was a little girl. My mother taught me how. I won't pretend that in my teen and college years that I was avid crocheter, but as I became a fulltime mom, I discovered that crochet was my productive way of unwinding (no pun intended) after an intense day of cleaning and parenting. I sort of developed a passion for it that I didn't anticipate.
It really didn't hit me that I was an obsessive crocheter until I caught myself stopping and looking at a crocheted scarf, sweater, or hat at the store and trying to figure out if I could do it at home. It was a shocking realization as I used to scoff at the "crafty" mom. Now I understand the "crafty" mom because I am one! I even started writing in a notebook because I would get an idea for a crochet pattern and didn't want to forget it.
I am beginning this blog for many reasons. I honestly believe that I have something valuable to contribute to the crocheting community. I want to be able to share my little discoveries and be able to inspire people with new ideas. I love experimenting with different mediums like tarn (t-shirt yarn) or plarn (plastic bag yarn) (see my background for a little idea of an idea of what that looks like). I would love to share some of my little patterns I make.
Being a Catholic and a mom has a lot of influence on how I crochet, believe it or not. I would love to be able to show you how my faith and vocation inspire me to use different mediums that is more helpful to the environment. I would love to share with you some charities that can be assisted by just being a little "crafty." Perhaps I could give you a couple of hints on how to save on your crafts. You never know what I might post regarding crochet. I plan on doing some crochet book reviews as well. The world is my oyster I suppose.
I have a couple of promises for you. I promise not to pretend to be a professional. I am a intermediate crocheter at best. I honestly don't have an answer for everything. I wish I did. I promise to be gracious host of this blog. I don't use questionable language. I promise to do my very best.
I would love to hear from you. If there are any questions or comments or suggestions about my blog, please let me know. If there is an error in my posted patterns, I welcome any constructive critiques. Now on to the blogging...
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